Happy New Year. Be blessed and be a blessing!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

In Good Faith, We Come - 26 February 2009

Hey everyone, really sorry about the delay in putting up the flyer. Let's just leave it at me not being competent enough. :) CA is still going on this Thursday, please be there!

When You Fall In Love

CA started off with LOVE!! As cliché as it might sounds, love was definitely in the air on that fateful night. Without a doubt, God’s love was felt everywhere in the church compound and in fact, it is the only LOVE which matters most in our lives.

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When first entering the room, ushers dressed adorably in either pink or red with white wings on their backs would throw confetti above our heads. Particularly cheeky guests had even more confetti thrown to their faces. The ushers for that night were Fabiolla, Esmond, Chee Huat, and Catherine.

We were all welcomed by the loveliest emcees of the night, Daniel and Winnie. With their quirk enthusiasm, everyone was humored by this lovely pair. Then, we heated up the environment with the worship session, led by Pei Ling and Zoe. The drummer was Dian Han, guitarist was Chewie, and bassist was Bryan. We were all captured by God’s faithfulness and love. The worship team was fabulous and of course, all the credits went to our Maker of heaven and earth.

Games session was next. Led by Miriam, we were divided in pairs and engrossed ourselves totally in this game called Marriage-Proposal-Divorce. When Miryam called out Marriage, the pair were supposed to hook arms together, as if going down the aisle together. And when she called out Propose, the guy was to kneel on one knee and take the hand of the girl as if to propose. And when Divorce was yelled out, the girl and guy was supposed to turn back to back with each other, and cross their arms, as if angry with each other.

A gift exchange took place after that. And each pair exchanged gifts with each other. Interesting gifts in particular was a honeydew, and a loaf of bread.

A sketch was performed after the games. Participated by Joy, Cedric, J-Cyn, Sze Yin and Samuel, it was a great reminder to us that God’s love is what matters the most in our lives. The basic plot of the sketch was a girl – portrayed by Joy who found her boyfriend (Cedric as ah Boy) with another girl, J-Cyn. She then goes home to find her parents fighting, Mummy being Sze Yin, and Daddy being Samuel. A particularly interesting line said by Samuel was, “I love you! (Pause) But I love your best friend too.”

Disappointed and hurt by her father’s infidelity, Joy then leaves home. She tears a red paper heart each time she is hurt by the people she loves, and indication of her own broken heart. She receives a birthday card, but doesn’t care anymore. “It doesn’t matter anymore,” Joy said. But in the card is a verse, John 3: 16 and she finds a huge white heart with the words, “Never have I abandoned you.” The lights dim. This is a sketch to show just how much God loves us still, even when we face our earthly troubles, He is always there was us.

A short testimonial by Nicole followed next. She quoted Romans 8 and her testimonial was a strong, powerful testimonial. Coming from a broken family, God’s love has sustained her and pulled her through all the difficult times. It really served as a reminder of how wonderful is our faithful God.

Romans 8: 38-39 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

As the CA was held in conjunction with Valentine’s Day, a short video entitled A Father’s love was aired.


For all that our Father has done for us, all that he asks is just a simple question, “Would you be my child?”

Touched by the video, we were then introduced to Pastor Ron from Newlife PJ. A man full of faith and good nature, he talked about how God’s love has changed him from the inside out. He agreed with the lot of us that finding a life partner is indeed important, but if we just let our hearts be filled with His love, God will let the right person come our way. He testified of how God has been good to provide him the greatest gift of His life-his wife.

Truly, if we love Him with all our hearts, He will give us the miracle of finding the other half who will complete our lives. By loving God, we give our whole heart to Him because He loved us first. He loves us by showing His ultimate gift of grace-Jesus Christ to die for us. He died so that we can have an abundant and fulfilling life which the world could not give. Many people in the world are crying out for something that will fill the holes in their hearts.

We need to love and be loved, as this is part of human nature. Too often this desire will keep us searching everywhere and get love from people whom we think will fill up the emptiness in our hearts. If you are still searching today, God is telling you to embrace His unconditional love, which will make you whole again. How should we respond to His love? Let us start serving out of love, as 1 Corinthians 13 reveals that love is the most important motivation in Christian living. Let us start loving our brothers and sisters, as Jesus loves them too.

CA ended with refreshments. Refreshments were prepared by Nicole, Samantha, Amy, Miryam and Theng Theng. Laughter and chatters echoed throughout the church compound on that day. In short, CA was a great success. Everyone joyfully went back with an extra portion of love in their heart, all thanks to our loving heavenly Father.

P/S: One of the interesting addition to CA that night was a Love Shout Out Board where anyone could write messages to whomeever they want to. :) More pictures shall be put up real soon. :)

P/P/S: This report was written by the ever lovely Sze Yin. :)

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Much apologies for not having the details of the last CA until now. We're trying to get the new blog up and running, and because there were tons of wonderful pictures for the last CA, we might put up the latest report in the new blog.

Much editing, and writing to do, and we're terribly sorry for the delay. :(

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

When You Fall In Love - 12 February 2009

Please Bring A Gift!
(need not be too costly,
something nice and simple)

This Thursday, Campus Alive is celebrating Valentine's Day! It's two days early, but it's the fun we have together that matters. And that will leave your Saturday free!

Please do come to be refreshed with God's word with our speaker, Pastor Ron from New Life PJ, after that wonderful one week holiday.

Don't forget the gift for exchange!! : )